Kue Cucur

by - 05.25

Kue Cucur

In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, this food including traditional food means the traditional ceremonies Betawi culture, bowsprit shall be served.

The price is Rp 5,000/pcs

Ingredients : 
230 ml of water 
125 grams of brown sugar 
2 pandan leaf, tied 
125 grams of rice flour 
30 grams of cake flour 
1/4 teaspoon salt 
1/2 teaspoon sesame, roasted 
4 eye jackfruit 

How to make Cucur cake :
1) Boil water plus brown sugar and pandan leaves also to make more fragrant aroma until the sugar is dissolved then strain. then let stand until tepid.
2) Mix the rice flour and added wheat flour, salt. Then pour the solution of brown sugar gradually while stirring.
3) Add the sesame and jackfruit. Stir well back. Let stand for about 40 minutes. 
4) Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a wok or sufficiently small concave. Then pour the batter bowsprit. Flush with hot oil until fluffy and fibrous. 
5) Prick the center using a toothpick in a manner twisted around until the dough is still raw out in order to mature all

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